About Us

Meet the Food Solutions Architects!

Cari Kaufman, Co-founder

My love affair with food began at a young age, but what set me apart from the rest of the macaroni and cheese eaters in preschool was an affinity for all things vegetable.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved the ooey-gooey warmth of homemade shells and cheese, but I loved to snack on broccoli and carrots in between meals. It all probably stems from summer afternoons in my Great Uncle’s garden, picking fresh veggies from the garden (and eating most of my harvest before I made it to the kitchen door). These days, I love growing my own fresh veggies…most of them still don’t make it to the kitchen, so not too much has changed.
After graduating from the University of Arkansas with a BS in Biology, I ran off and joined the US Army.  While serving as an officer in the Army, a myriad of health issues pushed me to seek out a less traditional approach to healing and led to a Masters degree in Natural Health and a certification as doula (labor coach). Professionally, my experiences range from military officer to stay-at-home mom, and now, to certified personal coach and professional speaker.
Most importantly, though, I am a mom to two wonderful, precious children. Three years ago, my son was diagnosed with a severe allergic disorder which required adhering to a very restrictive diet. The challenges we have faced learning to eat as a family while embracing my son’s restrictions provide a wealth of experience that I hope you find valuable.
I became my family’s food solutions architect out of necessity. Now I choose to become yours.

Kim Gordon, Co-Founder

I was born with a natural gift to eat.  Born in Seoul, Korea and spending my first 5 months there, I arrived to the US overweight and out-of-shape.  My mother soon discovered the joy I took in fine dining…formula-style.  With three older brothers to “compete” against, I made sure I always won at the dinner table.  My love of food was only surpassed by my love of sports.  As an athlete throughout my entire childhood, I went on to pursue a Masters degree in Kinesiology/Sport Psychology from Texas Christian University.  My professional experiences since then have involved helping life athletes improve performance by managing health and wellness, personal finances and investments, and mental stress through transitions.
I don’t take it personally that when I got married six years ago, my husband began having health problems.  Our journey has taken us through many medical and naturopathic treatments, but the biggest impact has been made in what we eat.  Through laughter and tears, it’s been one big science experiment that has led us to some great discoveries…and great failures.  I’m happy to share them both with you, as one does not exist without the other.
Just over two years ago, we welcomed our first daughter and now enjoy two…in diapers.  The transition to solid foods came with additional opportunities to be creative in the kitchen, as we are still discovering the food sensitivities for our little ones.  I wear many hats these days…the maid, the dry cleaner, the plumbing department, the clown.  It’s an honor for me to put on my chef hat for your family and bring the laughter and enjoyment to your kitchen.